South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Traffic Safety Education

SJTPO offers a series of Programs to teach the Public about Traffic Safety

For many years, SJTPO has offered a robust series of programs to teach the public about traffic safety. These programs are designed to bring awareness to the many risks presented to drivers, passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians on area roadways and teach simple ways to improve safety. This is a part of SJTPO’s commitment to work Toward Zero Deaths and ensure that all roadway users get home safely.

SJTPO collaborates with a number of organizations on programs that address different facets of safety.

After a drop-off during the 2020/21 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SJTPO reached out to educate more than 6,000 people about safety in the 2021/22 school year with 180 presentations at nearly 30 schools.

Requesting Programs

To request any of the programs, below, please click on the “REQUEST” button for the program and fill out the form.

Both in-person and virtual programs are offered.

Please include as much information as possible about your needs, and someone will follow-up with you as soon as possible.

Current Traffic Safety Programs Offered by SJTPO

Programs for Drivers of All Ages

Defensive Driving poster

Defensive Driving

Drivers of All Ages

Most car crashes are a result of driver error and are preventable. An understanding of the concept of “defensive driving” will help reduce the likelihood of being involved in a crash. This in-class training has options for various course lengths and is suitable for all drivers, no matter their age.

Programs for High School Students

Driving simulator for high school poster

Driving Simulator In Partnership with HERO Campaign

Probationary Period of Licensure

New Jersey high school students are learning the dangers of impaired and distracted driving with a hands-on, video-game-like driving simulator brought to area high schools thanks to the John R. Elliott HERO Campaign for Designated Drivers.

Funded by a grant from the Honda USA Foundation, the “One Simple Decision” virtual-driving instruction unit enables students to virtually “drive” an on-screen car while their reactions are altered to simulate impaired driving. When the drivers experience crashes, videos of police and EMTs arriving on the scene provide realistic consequences of drunk and drugged driving, including judges imposing fines and revoking their driver’s licenses.

The HERO Campaign was founded by the family of Navy Ensign John R. Elliott, who was killed by a drunk driver in July 2000, two months after graduating from the United States Naval Academy, where he was named the “Outstanding HERO” of his graduating class. The Elliott family established the HERO Campaign to prevent drunk driving by promoting the use of safe and sober designated drivers, and spare other families from suffering the loss of a loved one due to drunk driving.

Most dangerous place poster

Most Dangerous Place on Earth

High School Students

Daily, one of the most dangerous places for any person to be is on a highway. This program is designed for all grades of High School Students, and classes can be tailored to the school’s time constraints (period length). The program covers the actual statistical likelihood of being involved in a crash and gives a realistic picture of the potential danger anyone faces when part of the traffic mix. Additionally, the program covers distracted driving, drinking and driving, occupant protection, and defensive driving techniques when appropriate as per the student’s age. This presentation can be adjusted to be appropriate for ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth-grade students, and all adult drivers.

Car crashes and accidents poster

Car Crashes, It’s Basic Physics

High School Math & Physics Students

This interactive program for math and physics classes allows students to determine the speed of a crash using formulas that students have learned in class. This adaptable 40-90 minute program is a real-world application of their education. Additionally, the program focuses on collision avoidance as well as occupant protection while applying basic physics to crash reconstruction.

share the keys poster

Share the Keys

Parents and their Teens in Pre-Permit, Permit, and Probationary Period of Licensure

This research-based, data-driven program is designed to reduce teen driver crash risks by increasing parental involvement. The program ensures that all parties fully understand the risks and responsibilities associated with driving and are equipped with the tools needed to build safe driving skills for life. Topics include understanding New Jersey’s graduated driver license (GDL), being a good role model for your teen driver, effectively enforcing the GDL law, increasing practice driving hours, and controlling the keys. The 60 to 90-minute program is designed for parents and their teens during the pre-permit or permit stage of license, generally tenth and eleventh grade students.

Programs for Elementary and Middle School Students

belts on bones poster

Belts on Bones

Kindergarten to Third Grade

This program is designed for early elementary-aged children (kindergarten through third grade) transitioning from a child restraint to a booster seat. The program’s goal is to ensure the child is properly secured in an occupant restraint in the rear of the vehicle. A vehicle-training seat and a booster seat are used to emphasize and promote the proper use of a booster seat for children of these ages. The program further empowers the child to discuss these issues at home. The 30 to 45-minute presentation makes use of a combination of live demonstrations and video clips.

belts, bones & buses poster

Belts, Bones, and Buses

First to Fifth Grade

This program is very similar to the Belts on Bones program with the added component of school bus safety, both on and off the bus. A school bus seat is used to demonstrate the proper use of the lap belt. The 30 to 45-minute program is geared toward elementary-aged children in first through fifth grade.

occupant protection poster

Occupant Protection for Middle School Students

Middle School Students

This program provides information and tips for Middle School students on properly wearing a seatbelt. It provides an overview of crash dynamics and the forces one experiences during a vehicle crash. It further emphasizes the importance of passenger participation in safe transportation. The students receive hands-on training in properly adjusting their seatbelts for maximum safety and comfort. Other occupant protection equipment in the vehicle is also discussed. This class runs approximately 30 to 45 minutes.

Programs for Adults

child passenger safety poster

Child Passenger Safety – Restraint Systems on School Buses National Training

School District Employees

Many school districts are required to transport preschool-age children and infants to schools in our region. The curriculum of this program, provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), addresses the proper use and installation of child seats on school transport vehicles. The course runs for approximately 8 hours and provides classroom and hands-on training utilizing actual school bus seats. The training is available to school district employees such as drivers, aids, mechanics, and administrators involved in transporting preschool-age children and infants in their districts.

Safety Technician Training

Child Passenger Safety – Child Passenger Safety Technician Training

Persons Interested in Becoming a Certified CPS Technician

This program offers Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Technician Certification status to individuals who successfully complete the course. CPS Technicians use their knowledge and expertise to educate parents and caregivers at a variety of community-based activities such as child seat safety check inspections and events. The curriculum, developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), is a comprehensive 32-hour training. All instructors are certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians/Instructors. This course is administered by Safe Kids Worldwide.

For more information or to become a CPS Technician, please visit

Transporting Children Safely poster

Child Passenger Safety – Transporting Children Safely

Parents & Caregivers

This one-hour program is taught in a classroom setting using the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) curriculum on proper selection, direction, location, and installation of child seats. Parents and caregivers are given tips and techniques to ensure their passengers are riding safely. This program can be an educational resource for parent organizations, community groups, social services organizations, and businesses throughout the region.

Car Seat Inspection poster

Child Passenger Safety – Car Seat Inspection Program

Parents & Caregivers

The Child Passenger Safety Program educates parents and caregivers on how to properly install a child restraint system in their vehicles. Parents can have their seats checked and inspected by trained child passenger seat technicians. Regularly scheduled 15 to 20-minute on-site, hands-on inspections are hosted by Safe Kids and County Sheriff’s Offices in Atlantic and Cape May counties. Assessments can also be scheduled by calling the Sheriff’s offices in Cumberland and Salem counties.

For a one-on-one virtual session, you may contact Wayne Shelton, one of SJTPO’s certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians, at .

Atlantic County – Bennett Chevrolet
6721 E Black Horse Pike,
Egg Harbor Township
2nd Saturday every month: 9a-1p
Atlantic County – Action Auto Body
14 Twelfth Street Hammonton
3rd Saturday of March, June, Sept., and Dec.: 9a-1p

Cape May County
Call Cape May County Sheriff’s Department to schedule an appointment at
609-463-6420 x4415

Cumberland County
CPS inspections are not currently offered in Cumberland County

Salem County
Call Salem County Sheriff’s Department to schedule an appointment at

Car-Fit for Senior Drivers poster

Car-Fit for Senior Drivers

Senior Drivers

This American Automobile Association/American Association of Retired Persons (AAA/AARP) program is designed to provide a quick but comprehensive check of how well a driver and their vehicle work together. The program was designed with senior drivers in mind because of their frailty, which makes them more vulnerable to serious injuries during a crash. The goal of the assessment is to ensure the driver is seated properly to ensure the best view and control of the vehicle and that the driver receives the maximum benefit from their vehicle’s occupant restraint systems. The 15 to 20-minute assessment is held at various Senior Citizen and Community Centers throughout the region.