South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TA Set-Aside)

The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program includes federal highway and transit funds that are set-aside under the Surface Transportation Program (STP) for community-based “non-traditional” projects designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of the nation’s intermodal transportation system. This funding category, which has historically funded many pedestrian and bicycle supportive projects such as streetscape improvements, trails, sidewalks, etc., was originally established by Congress in 1991 under the ISTEA transportation authorization legislation and was most recently affirmed as TA Set-Aside under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

Applications currently being accepted. Application deadline: May 22, 2025.

Program Overview

Projects eligible for the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TA Set-Aside) Program must fall into one of the following seven categories.

  • Design and construction of on-road and off-road trail facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized forms of transportation.
  • Conversion and use of abandoned railroad corridors for trails for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized transportation users.
  • Construction of scenic turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas.
  • Historic preservation and rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities both land and water such as building structures and canals.
  • Community improvement activities, specifically: streetscaping and corridor landscaping.
  • Environmental mitigation to address stormwater management, control, and water pollution prevention or abatement related to highway construction or due to highway runoff.
  • Reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality or to restore and maintain connectivity among terrestrial or aquatic habitats

How to Maximize Your Chances of Success

Applying for TA Set-Aside funding is time-consuming and involves multiple requirements, which means multiple ways to miss something and not receive funding. However, there are ways to ensure your application does not get disqualified for simple mistakes and has the maximum opportunity to be considered for its merits. Here are some things to pay special attention to and to take advantage of to improve your chances of receiving TA Set-Aside funding.

Avoid Common Mistakes

  • Your responsible charge must be a full-time public employee. Part-time employees or employees of consultant firms or nonprofits listed as the responsible charge will disqualify your application.
  • Do not forget to attach signed resolutions of support for your project. Applications must include signed resolutions of support for counties, municipalities, and any entity relevant to the project and maintenance commitments. Many applicants forget to attach resolutions, or their attachments are not signed. Do not overlook your resolutions. You will not have the opportunity to send them in after the application deadline has passed.

One-On-One Meeting with NJDOT About Your Project!

In conjunction with SJTPO, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Division of Local Aid and Economic Development now requires pre-application meetings for the TA Set-Aside solicitation. Prospective applicants can discuss their project concept and get guidance on whether the proposed project is a good fit for the program.

A one-on-one pre-application meeting about your project is MANDATORY. Pre-application meetings will be held from January 6, 2025, to April 11, 2025.

Schedule a One-On-One Meeting About Your Project>>>

Do not wait until the last minute!

SJTPO is happy to assist you but will need time to help get you the answers or assistance you need. Give yourself the time to ensure you do not make simple mistakes. You will not have the opportunity to correct mistakes after the application deadline has passed.

Application Process

The TA Set-Aside Program is funded through the Federal Highway Administration’s Federal Aid Program and is being administered by the NJDOT in partnership with SJTPO, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA).

County, municipal governments, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, tribal governments, any other local or regional governmental entity with responsibility for oversight of transportation (other than a metropolitan planning organization or a state agency), and nonprofit organizations that are responsible for the administration of local transportation safety programs are eligible to apply to the TA Set-Aside Program. Regardless of the type of applicant, the applicant must provide a responsible charge and meet federal requirements by being a full-time employee of a local public agency. More information is available on the New Jersey Safe Routes page.

The TA Set-Aside Application Guidance explains the infrastructure program’s eligibility requirements, guides the applicant through the application, and describes the process by which projects are selected.

All applicants will be required to submit their applications using SAGE (System for Administering Grants Electronically). Training and instructions on how to apply are available at this link.

Did not receive funding for a Previous TA Set-Aside Application? Find out why!

Projects are selected on a competitive basis. However, some projects are disqualified due to easy-to-correct mistakes, including unsigned resolutions, improper responsible charge, and missing attachments. You can contact the NJDOT for a debriefing about your application.

Any other questions? Do not hesitate to ask us!

Contact Jacob Cummings at with any remaining questions. We will work to get the answer or direct you to someone who can.