South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Funding Programs

Leveraging funds from all available sources is crucial to developing an effective transportation system for all users. This page will inform local governments and transportation advocates about available funding options.

The funding information listed on this page is tailored to New Jersey. If you visit this page from another state, you should confirm details with your state DOT, as requirements may differ from state to state.

This page refers users to funding programs available to entities within the SJTPO region. SJTPO is not the primary contact for most of these programs. Questions should be directed to the agency responsible for managing that program. If you see errors or know of additional programs, please get in touch with us at or (856) 794-1941.

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL),” was signed into law on November 15, 2021. The law provides $550 billion over fiscal years 2022 through 2026 in new Federal investment in infrastructure, including roads, bridges, mass transit, water infrastructure, resilience, and broadband.

How SJTPO Can Help

The IIJA also offers a host of funding opportunities for local governments to improve mobility for residents, which can bolster local economies and quality of life. As the region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization, SJTPO has a central role in ensuring that the region can take full advantage of the funding and programs in the IIJA. To be eligible for this funding, the Policy Board must approve all projects for inclusion in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

SJTPO can assist in coordinating and helping with grant applications and submissions, including:

  • Providing letters of support indicating that proposed activities are consistent with the regional transportation plan, RTP 2050
  • Providing data on regional travel or directing applicants to appropriate data sources
  • Providing information on related or complementary activities in the region
  • Aiding on strategies to address planning issues, conduct outreach, and assess equity and environmental impacts.

SJTPO urges local governments or other organizations to contact SJTPO and keep us informed regarding proposed applications for IIJA funding. This will ensure that all concerned parties can support and coordinate activities and realize the greatest benefits for the region’s residents.

Federal Programs

Federal programs play a critical role in funding local projects that improve transportation infrastructure in the SJTPO region. These programs are highly competitive and usually provide funding for large-scale projects.  Federal transportation funds are awarded through NJDOT or one of the state’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). Presented below is information about programs, grants, and related resources. is the website to register to apply for Federal grants. This registration is required for any entity to bid on, get paid for federal contracts, or receive federal funds. These include for-profit businesses, nonprofits, government contractors, government subcontractors, state governments, and local municipalities. is a website that provides guidance and information on government grants.

USDOT Key Notices of Funding Opportunities 
The USDOT published a list of anticipated dates for upcoming Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) for key programs. This list is not comprehensive and will be updated periodically by USDOT with additional programs and revised dates as appropriate.

USDOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard
This dashboard provides communities with an overview of discretionary grant opportunities that can help meet their transportation infrastructure needs. Designed with all communities in mind, the dashboard identifies grant programs with rural and Tribal set-asides or match waivers available. The dashboard also includes Federal grant programs outside of USDOT that may particularly interest rural communities. The dashboard is updated weekly.

USDOT Navigator 
This website is a resource to help communities understand how to apply for grants and plan for and deliver transformative infrastructure projects and services. It includes toolkits, webinars, and other resources.

USDOT Email Updates: Sign up for USDOT initiatives email updates by visiting this website.

FHWA Matrix of Competitive Grant Programs 
The USDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have updated their matrix of competitive grant programs. The matrix broadly illustrates grant programs, organized by applicant type, and lists grant programs that can be matched with the potential applicant the program can fund. This matrix is not an exhaustive list of all grants offered.

FTA: Federal Transit Administration – Competitive and Formula Grant Award Programs
This website is the FTA’s database of current transit-related grant programs.

U.S. Economic Development Administration (USEDA)
This website contains the USEDA Program list. Included among the programs is the American Rescue Plan. This plan contains programs to assist communities in their efforts to build back better by accelerating the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and building local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks.

State Programs

New Jersey provides dedicated state funding for infrastructure improvements through its Transportation Trust Fund (TTF). The trust fund supports various funding programs for public road and bridge improvements to counties and municipalities. Funds from state grants are a great way to implement smaller-scale projects, such as building a more robust bicycle and pedestrian network. State programs do not have as many administrative requirements and are typically easier to administer when compared to Federal grants. Additional information is available via the N.J. Local Aid Resource Center website is below:

N.J. Local Aid Resource Center – State Funded Programs
These programs include:

  • County Aid
  • Municipal Aid
  • Local Aid Infrastructure Fund
  • Bikeways
  • Safe Streets to Transit
  • Transit Village
  • Local Bridges Fund
  • Local Freight Impact Fund
  • Local
  • Transportation Projects Fund

NJ Transit’s Community Resource Center (CRC)
The CRC is a centralized source of information for your connection to the Government and Community Relations Team. The Community Resource Center’s mission is to assist local public and community stakeholders in advancing and enhancing NJ TRANSIT’s relationships with our host communities.

Brownfields Assistance Center, led by NJIT
NJIT provides a brownfield blueprint related to brownfield cleanup efforts. Access to planning and other resources are available. This website also acts as a gateway to federal brownfield funding, emphasizing the offerings of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Brownfields Impact Fund, led by N.J. Economic Development Authority (NJEDA)
The NJEDA will make low-interest loans available to for-profit organizations and low-interest loans and grant funding available to public sector and nonprofit organizations. These loans/grants will assist with cleanup and other pre-construction activities on brownfield sites throughout the state.

Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC), led by the Department of Community Affairs
The NRTC provides business entities with a 100 percent tax credit for funds provided to nonprofit entities carrying out comprehensive revitalization plans. Nonprofit entities must use at least 60% of the tax credit funds for housing and economic development. The remaining funds may be used for supportive services and other activities that promote neighborhood revitalization.

Resilient NJ, led by the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection
The Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds Resilient NJ. This program is administered through the NJDEP’s Office of Coastal and Land Use Planning (OCLUP). Funding was also provided to DEP’s Bureau of Flood Resilience to develop a toolkit of best practices for regional stormwater infrastructure systems.

Resilient Communities Program (RCP), led by the Department of Community Affairs
The RCP is a competitive grant program designed to fund unmet recovery and mitigation needs for public infrastructure projects that will help HUD-identified and State-identified “most impacted and distressed” (MID) areas become more resilient to current and future flood-related natural hazards. Eligible applicants will be responsible for implementing, operating, and maintaining awarded projects.

Shore Protection Program, led by the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
This funding aims to protect public and private property and infrastructure from coastal storm damage, erosion, shoreline migration, and sea-level rise. Projects include beach replenishment and construction and maintenance of bulkheads, jetties, and seawalls. The Shore Protection Fund is the source of this funding.

Private Programs

Private and philanthropic funding sources also provide an excellent opportunity to improve mobility in New Jersey. Private funding sources can come from development impact fees and grants from private companies and organizations. Additional information is available via these websites:

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
The NFWF awards competitive grants through its programs to protect and conserve the nation’s fish, wildlife, plants, and habitats. The NFWF works with public and private partners in all 50 states and U.S. territories to solve the most challenging conservation problems. Several programs are identified as being related to the Delaware River Watershed, including the Delaware River Program and the National Coastal Resilience Fund. 

New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program
The New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) promotes increased energy efficiency and the use of clean, renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, geothermal, and sustainable biomass. Some programs relate to transportation, including the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Program, Clean Fleet EV Incentive Program for local governments, EV Charger Incentives for Multi-Unit Dwellings, and Public EV Tourism.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
This foundation promotes a culture of health that provides everyone in America a fair and just opportunity for health and well-being. Program areas include the Built Environment and Health, Economic Inclusion for Family Well-Being, and Equitable Community Development.

William Penn Foundation
This family foundation is committed to improving the quality of life in the Greater Philadelphia region for the last 70 years. Grants are available, including those used for efforts to protect the Delaware River watershed.

Technical Support & Resources

Technical support is available to municipalities during the grant writing and application process. Many organizations in the region provide this service for planning and implementing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Below is a list of several local, regional, state, and national organizations providing technical support.

Cross County Connection Transportation Management Association (CCCTMA)
The CCCTMA is a nonprofit that provides transportation-related services in New Jersey’s seven southern counties, including the four-county SJTPO region. The CCCTMA website includes information on community and employer programs, commuter services, tools, and safety.

New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center (NJBPRC)
The NJBPRC assists in creating safer and more accessible places to walk, bicycle, or travel by other low-speed wheeled devices through primary research, education, and dissemination of information about best practices in policy and design. NJDOT supports the NJBPRC through funds provided by the FHWA. This website provides access to training, laws and guidance, resources, and grant and funding information.

New Jersey Safe Routes to School Resource Center
This statewide initiative aims to partner with schools and communities to prioritize and implement opportunities for people to walk, bike, or travel by other wheeled devices. This website provides information on grants, funding, education, and other resources.