South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Complete Streets Technical Assistance Program

Complete Streets are streets designed for all users, all modes of transportation, and all ability levels, balancing the needs of drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, emergency responders, and goods movement.

Applications currently being accepted. Application deadline: February 28, 2025.

Complete Streets are defined in accordance with the State of New Jersey Complete Streets Design Guide as follows: “Complete Streets are streets designed for all users, all modes of transportation, and all ability levels. They balance the needs of drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, emergency responders, and goods movement based on local context.”

In order to assist municipalities interested in advancing Complete Streets initiatives, the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization is providing NJDOT federal funding for an outreach and technical assistance program developed and delivered by the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University (VTC), Sustainable Jersey (SJ), and the Cross County Connection Transportation Management Association (CCCTMA). The program includes free training, technical assistance, and use of a demonstration materials lending library.

While the training is available to all municipalities, the technical assistance opportunity and lending library are only available to municipalities within the SJTPO region. The technical assistance opportunity is project specific and application-based, with least three municipalities selected by a project selection committee to receive technical assistance in a competitive process based on objective criteria.

You can learn more about the program offerings and start a technical assistance application by visiting the Sustainable Jersey website at

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