The Budget (UPWP)
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is one of the core planning documents, serving as the budget for SJTPO.
The UPWP describes all transportation and planning-related activities to be conducted by SJTPO staff, subregional partners, and member agencies during the state fiscal year, effective July 1 through June 30. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 UPWP, approved by the SJTPO Policy Board on March 25, 2024, details the planning efforts from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
Federal planning regulations require that Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) prepare a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) each year, in cooperation with member agencies, to describe all metropolitan transportation and transportation-related air quality planning activities anticipated within the region during the state fiscal year.
The tasks and activities within the UPWP are intended to advance the region’s priorities, guided by SJTPO’s federally required long-range, regional transportation plan and the planning requirements within the current federal legislation. The UPWP incorporates planning priorities shared annually by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Transit (FTA).
UPWP Timeline
The development of the UPWP begins long before the effective date in July each year.
Amendment Process
The approved UPWP can be amended to add new tasks, delete tasks, and reallocate funds between tasks. In some instances, revisions may warrant approval by the Policy Board and subsequent modifications to the Task Order, which authorizes federal funds associated with the UPWP. Other revisions are included for information only and have no impact on the funding related to the UPWP. All changes are incorporated into a UPWP Activities Tracker linked below.
FY 2025 UPWP Tracker (updated 7/22/2024)
FY 2025 UPWP Funding Breakdown
The total expenditures equate to total revenues of $4,635,534.00, with a breakdown of the tasks noted in the chart below.
SJTPO’s total expenditures and revenues are divided into five categories: Operating/Direct Expenses, Financial & Administrative Services, Technical Program, Other, and Central Staff Salaries/Labor, and Technical Program. The Operating/Direct Expenses category allows SJTPO to purchase office supplies, equipment, software, and travel expenses such as lodging, meals, mileage, and utilities. The Financial & Administrative Services category is provided to the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA), SJTPO’s administrative host, who performs financial administration and subcontracting on behalf of SJTPO. The Technical Program supports the purchase of data, equipment, or services to be performed by consultants. Before consultant-led efforts occur, staff work with the counties to determine the transportation needs and priorities of the region. The Other category provides funding to SJTPO’s four counties. The counties receive funds through the UPWP to support their contributions to SJTPO and other transportation planning needs of their jurisdictions. The final category, the Central Staff Salaries/Labor, goes toward staff salaries.
Regarding the Technical Program, after the needs and priorities are determined, staff will draft project scopes, release Requests for Proposals (RFPs), select the winning consultant, and manage the efforts once underway. Considering SJTPO has a finite amount of funds for the Technical Program each year, the number of consultant-led efforts varies. In the FY 2025 UPWP, there are six consultant-led efforts. The efforts include the Regional Pavement Condition Data Collection, South Jersey Travel Demand Model Recalibration, Staff Augmentation, 2025 On-Board and Household Travel Surveys, Complete Streets Technical Assistance Program Pilot, and Signal Analytics Data. Each consultant-led effort is fully detailed in section five of the FY 2025 UPWP and Executive Summaries.
UPWP Executive Summary
SJTPO publishes executive summaries of many of its plans and reports. The purpose of the executive summaries is to provide the public with a concise version of the extensive plans and reports. Like all other executive summaries produced by SJTPO, the UPWP Executive Summary is available in English and Spanish. Executive Summaries are proactively translated into Spanish as it is the four-county region’s primary Limited English Proficiency (LEP) language. As noted in the “Need the UPWP Translated” section below, SJTPO is willing and able to translate the UPWP Executive Summary into an alternate language if requested. The English and Spanish UPWP Executive Summaries are listed below in the “Current UPWP” section.
- FY 2025 UPWP (Amended 7/22/2024)
- FY 2025 UPWP Executive Summary(Amended 7/22/2024)
- FY 2025 UPWP Spanish Executive Summary
- FY 2024 UPWP (Amended 7/24/2023, Revised 3/25/2024)
- FY 2024 UPWP Tracker
- FY 2024 UPWP Executive Summary (English, Amended 7/24/2023)
- FY 2024 UPWP Executive Summary (Spanish, Amended 7/24/2023)
- FY 2023 UPWP (Updated 3/17/2023)
- Amendments (July 2022)
- FY 2023 UPWP Executive Summary (English, Updated 3/17/2023)
- FY 2023 UPWP Executive Summary (Spanish, Updated 3/17/2023)
- 2022 UPWP
- Amendments (January 2022)
- Activities Tracker (February 2022)
- FY 2022 UPWP Executive Summary (English)
- FY 2022 UPWP Executive Summary (Spanish)
- FY 2021 UPWP
- Amendments (May 2021)
- FY 2021 UPWP Executive Summary (English)
- FY 2021 UPWP Executive Summary (Spanish)
- FY 2020 UPWP (Adopted 03/25/2019)
- Amendments (September 2020)
- FY 2019 UPWP (Amended 05/28/2019)
- Amendments (May 2019)
- FY 2018 UPWP (Amended 05/21/2018)
- Amendments (May 2018)
- FY 2017 UPWP (Adopted 05/28/2016)
- FY 2016 UPWP (Amended 07/27/2015)
- Amendments (July 2015)
- FY 2015 UPWP (Amended 5/27/2014)
- Tables (Amended 5/27/2014)
- FY 2013-2014 UPWP (Amended 7/22/2013)
- Tables (Amended 7/22/2013)
- Amendments (May 2013)
- FY 2011-12 UPWP (2010)
- FY 2010 UPWP (2009)
- FY 2009 UPWP (2008)
- FY 2008 UPWP (2007)
- FY 2007 UPWP (2006)
- FY 2006 UPWP (2005)
Need a Hard Copy of the UPWP?
All draft and approved plans, studies, and records produced by SJTPO, including the UPWP, are available online, at the SJTPO office, and at select libraries in the region, which make major government agency documents available for viewing by the region’s public at no cost.
If an individual is unable to view plans, studies, and records, including the UPWP, on the SJTPO website, the SJTPO office, or at the select libraries in the SJTPO region, noncolor copies may be requested. Copy fees are $0.05 per letter page or $0.07 per legal page. The requested plans, studies, and records, including the UPWP, may be picked up at the SJTPO office for no additional charge or mailed at the receiver’s expense. SJTPO may waive totals under $1.00. Printing and postage costs must be paid by the receiver before mailing. Checks or money orders must be made out to the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA). Cash is not accepted.
Need the UPWP Translated?
SJTPO works to accommodate all reasonable requests for translation services, including translating the UPWP into an alternate language. Translation requests can be submitted through the form below, emailed to , or by calling the SJTPO office at (856) 794-1941. Please allow at least seven days for SJTPO to process any requests.
Contact Us with Your UPWP Comments
Please fill out the form below and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.