South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Cover of TIP reportThe Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a federally required document that reflects the major surface transportation investments in the SJTPO region detailing the different types of federal funding that flows into it over a ten-year period. The TIP is updated every two years.

The Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024-2033 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) was approved in September 2023 by SJTPO’s Policy Board.

Over $1.5 Billion of FFY 2024-2033 federal and state funding is identified for transportation improvements within the four counties and participation in the statewide programs.

Funded Projects & Programs

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a list of projects and programs scheduled to be implemented over a period of at least four years (ten years in New Jersey). Transportation projects must be included in the TIP to receive most types of federal funding. The TIP provides a mechanism for locally elected officials and agency staff to review the region’s capital programming. It represents a consensus among Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) members and other major transportation interests in the region as to what improvements should have priority for available funds.

Consistent with federal regulation, the TIP must include all regionally significant projects receiving Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds, or for which FHWA or FTA approval is required, in addition to non-federally funded projects that are consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).

Planning to Implementation

The TIP links the transportation planning process to implementation. Central to this process is RTP 2050, the Regional Transportation Plan for the SJTPO region, which provides a framework for guiding investment decisions over a 20-twenty-year period. It includes both long and short-term strategies and actions leading to the development of an integrated transportation system that facilitates the efficient movement of people and goods.

The RTP is the guiding document for the TIP. Not all federally funded projects included in the RTP will be included in the TIP, whereas all federally funded projects in the TIP must be included in the RTP. Each project or phase included in the TIP must be consistent with the approved RTP. Much like the TIP, only transportation projects in the RTP are eligible for federal funding. The RTP also includes a comprehensive review of the current transportation resources in South Jersey. More details about the RTP are available on the RTP webpage.

Work tasks and activities are crafted based on input from various sources, including priority areas established by NJDOT, FHWA, and FTA. The UPWP is prepared and submitted to NJDOT in mid-December each year and shared with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) in January. During this same period, the UPWP is released for public review and comment, ultimately leading to Policy Board adoption in March.

Development of the TIP

While the TIP is effective October 1, the development process begins 12 to 15 months before adoption. Following the approval of the Draft TIP, SJTPO will continue to collaborate with state and subregional partners to track project status and aid with the federal authorization process.

TIP Development schedule

Project Evaluation Process

SJTPO has a Project Evaluation Process, updated as a part of the latest RTP update development process, used to score and evaluate projects for inclusion in the adopted RTP and TIP. With the recognition that there are distinct differences between timelines for projects in the RTP and TIP, a tailored evaluation for each is necessary.

The revised Project Evaluation Process augments the existing process and bifurcates the existing process into separate scoring processes for projects falling within Years 1 through 10 and Years 11 +. Projects anticipated to be built in years 1 through 10 of the existing RTP horizon period are referred to as “near-term” projects. Projects expected to be completed in years 11 and beyond, extending through the RTP horizon period, are referred to as “long-term” projects. The new dual approach recognizes that near-term projects (Years 1-10) can be assessed with greater accuracy and detail due to the availability of comprehensive information. In contrast, long-term projects (Years 11+) are evaluated more broadly, focusing on their potential impact and alignment with strategic emphasis areas, given the limited information available.

Projects under both approaches will be evaluated using criteria focusing on the Performance-Based Planning Process, SJTPO’s RTP Goals or Planning Factors, and SJTPO planning initiatives.

Those projects in years 1-10 will first be reviewed using a Pre-Evaluation Screening Process, which evaluates projects not only passively to assess the quality of the projects but actively encourage improvements to projects to better align with regional, state, and federal guidelines and priorities, such as safety, Complete Streets, Environmental Justice (EJ), Freight Considerations, and air quality, among others.

SJTPO Project Evaluation Process (Adopted 7/22/2024)

Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) serves as a comprehensive, one-volume guide to major transportation improvements planned in the State of New Jersey. It is also a reference document required under federal regulations for use by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in approving the expenditure of federal funds for transportation projects in New Jersey. The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)-approved Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 to 2033 STIP can be accessed here.

Amendments & Modifications

Once a ten-year TIP is adopted by the SJTPO Policy Board, approved by the state, and the State TIP is approved by the federal government (FHWA and FTA), there are certain procedures established for making any changes to the TIP. These procedures are outlined in a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the DVRPC, NJTPA, SJTPO, NJ TRANSIT, and NJDOT. This document summarizes the procedures for processing and implementing all amendments and modifications to the three TIP documents and STIP.

To provide full transparency and a record of any amendment or modification to the current TIP, SJTPO maintains a TIP Tracker, listing each revision in chronological order.

TIP Amendment/Modification Tracker (Updated 1/27/2025)

The NJDOT Electronic Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (e-STIP) is a web-based tool used to streamline and enhance the modification and amendment process of the TIP/STIP. The NJDOT eSTIP allows NJDOT, NJTPA, SJTPO, DVRPC, NJ TRANSIT, PANYNJ, FHWA, and FTA, as well as the public, to view project, financial information, amendment and modification actions and promotes interagency collaboration.

While the agency partners use the web-based software tool to process revisions to the TIP/STIP, it is also an excellent reference for the public to view current project information and view the mapped TIP/STIP projects.

Obligation Reports

Reports on federally obligated funding amounts for individual projects help provide information about project delivery status during a given fiscal year. “Obligation” or federal authorization is a legal commitment: the Federal government’s promise to pay for the Federal share of a project’s eligible cost. Keep in mind that:

  1. projects for which funds have been obligated are not necessarily completed in the TIP program year;
  2. the amount of obligation in a fiscal year will not necessarily equal the total cost of the project; and
  3. the amount of obligated funds may vary from the amount estimated in the TIP.

Need a Hard Copy of the TIP?

All draft and approved plans, studies, and records produced by SJTPO, including the TIP, are available online, at the SJTPO office, and at select libraries in the region, which make major government agency documents available for viewing by the region’s public at no cost.

If an individual is unable to view plans, studies, and records, including the TIP, on the SJTPO website, the SJTPO office, or at the select libraries in the SJTPO region, noncolor copies may be requested. Copy fees are $0.05 per letter page or $0.07 per legal page. The requested plans, studies, and records, including the TIP, may be picked up at the SJTPO office for no additional charge or mailed at the receiver’s expense. SJTPO may waive totals under $1.00. Printing and postage costs must be paid by the receiver before mailing. Checks or money orders must be made out to the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA). Cash is not accepted.

Document and Records Request Form

Need the TIP Translated?

SJTPO works to accommodate all reasonable requests for translation services, including translating the TIP into an alternate language. Translation requests can be submitted through the form below, emailed to , or by calling the SJTPO office at (856) 794-1941. Please allow at least seven days for SJTPO to process any requests.

Translation Request Form

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