South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Long-Range Planning (RTP)

Forward 2050

Forward 2050 serves as the current Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for the SJTPO region. Its main purpose is to lay out the long-term vision for the region’s transportation network, looking out over a horizon of 25 years out to 2050. It includes goals, both long and short-range strategies as well as projects and programs that will enable the region to achieve this long-term vision. The Forward 2050 is one of the Core Products of the SJTPO and is a requirement for any metropolitan planning area to receive federal transportation funds.

Whether you realize it or not, during your day, you are on the move, dependent on the transportation network to get you where you need to go. Whether you go to school or work, go to a doctor’s appointment, go grocery shopping, or any other life activities, you will more than likely need a sound transportation system to engage in this activity. Transportation is a vital component of daily life. SJTPO’s role is to create an accessible and safe transportation system while educating the region’s public about how much transportation matters. 

Further, for the region to receive federal funding, a long-range regional transportation plan must be in place. The plan details the ways the region aims to invest in the transportation system. It identifies the region’s long-term needs and the policies, strategies, and projects to address them. The current plan, Forward 2050, guides how over $1.0 billion in federal transportation funds will be spent in the region over the next 25 years.

Our Vision

A transportation system, based on regional collaboration that moves people and goods in a safe and efficient manner, inclusive of all modes and users.

Planning Strategies & Goals

Promote Accessibility and Mobility for the movement of People and Goods

Support the Regional Economy

Mitigate Traffic Congestion and Promote Efficient System Operation

Improve the Resiliency and Reliability of the transportation infrastructure

Protect and enhance the Environment and complement Land Use Planning

Restore, Preserve, and Maintain the existing transportation system

Improve Security

Improve Transportation Safety

Enhance the Integration and Connectivity of the transportation system

Increase and enhance opportunities for Travel and Tourism

Project Evaluation Process

SJTPO has a Project Evaluation Process, updated as a part of the latest RTP update development process, used to score and evaluate projects for inclusion in the adopted RTP and TIP. With the recognition that there are distinct differences between timelines for projects in the RTP and TIP, a tailored evaluation for each is necessary.

The revised Project Evaluation Process augments the existing process and bifurcates the existing process into separate scoring processes for projects falling within Years 1 through 10 and Years 11 +. Projects anticipated to be built in years 1 through 10 of the existing RTP horizon period are referred to as “near-term” projects. Projects expected to be completed in years 11 and beyond, extending through the RTP horizon period, are referred to as “long-term” projects. The new dual approach recognizes that near-term projects (Years 1-10) can be assessed with greater accuracy and detail due to the availability of comprehensive information. In contrast, long-term projects (Years 11+) are evaluated more broadly, focusing on their potential impact and alignment with strategic emphasis areas, given the limited information available.

Projects under both approaches will be evaluated using criteria focusing on the Performance-Based Planning Process, SJTPO’s RTP Goals or Planning Factors, and SJTPO planning initiatives.

Those projects in years 1-10 will first be reviewed using a Pre-Evaluation Screening Process, which evaluates projects not only passively to assess the quality of the projects but actively encourage improvements to projects to better align with regional, state, and federal guidelines and priorities, such as safety, Complete Streets, Environmental Justice (EJ), Freight Considerations, and air quality, among others.

Project Evaluation Process (Adopted 7/22/2024)


RTP Relationship to the TIP

The RTP is the guiding document for the TIP. Not all federally funded projects included in the RTP will be included in the TIP, whereas all federally funded projects in the TIP must be included in the RTP. Each project or phase included in the TIP must be consistent with the approved RTP. To maintain consistency between both documents, the RTP will first be revised whenever a revision to the TIP is required, as defined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) The MOU establishes the procedures used for processing and implementing revisions to the three TIP documents from the three MPOs and revisions to the STIP. While the MOU was established for revisions to the TIP, SJTPO shall use the same procedures for RTP revisions.

The RTP provides a “snapshot” of future investments over its time horizon. If a new project and/or program is added or removed from the RTP, or there is a significant change in the design concept and scope of a project, the RTP must be formally amended. Federal regulations require that each project or project phase included in the TIP shall be consistent with the approved RTP. As such, whenever the TIP is amended, the RTP must be amended as well.

A complete list of all the RTP amendments and modifications for the current RTP can be found under the RTP Tracker. Each revision is listed in chronological order.

RTP Amendment/Modification Tracker (to be updated when/if necessary)

There are two types of amendments – major and minor. Any change affecting the SJTPO region’s ability to meet air quality standards is considered a Major Amendment, which requires a new regional conformity determination and a 30-day public comment period. A Minor Amendment does not affect air quality conformity or regional conformity determination and would be a change that adds a new project, removes a project, or changes major phases of work when federal funds are used. No 30-day comment period is required with a Minor Amendment. Both types of amendments require TAC and Policy Board approval before approval from the FHWA and FTA. Any RTP change that does not meet these conditions (i.e., a change in cost or programmed funds for a project or program) is generally considered a Modification.


Need a Hard Copy of the RTP?

All draft and approved plans, studies, and records produced by SJTPO, including the RTP, are available online, at the SJTPO office, and at select libraries in the region, which make major government agency documents available for viewing by the region’s public at no cost.

If an individual is unable to view plans, studies, and records, including the RTP, on the SJTPO website, the SJTPO office, or at the select libraries in the SJTPO region, noncolor copies may be requested. Copy fees are $0.05 per letter page or $0.07 per legal page. The requested plans, studies, and records, including the RTP, may be picked up at the SJTPO office for no additional charge or mailed at the receiver’s expense. SJTPO may waive totals under $1.00. Printing and postage costs must be paid by the receiver before mailing. Checks or money orders must be made out to the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA). Cash is not accepted.

Document and Records Request Form

Need the RTP Translated?

SJTPO works to accommodate all reasonable requests for translation services, including translating the RTP into an alternate language. Translation requests can be submitted through the form below, emailed to , or by calling the SJTPO office at (856) 794-1941. Please allow at least seven days for SJTPO to process any requests.

Translation Request Form

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