South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are implemented through various programs supported by the use of innovative technologies to improve the security, proficiency, and practices of the region’s transportation infrastructure.

The most successful ITS technologies are unknowingly used daily to improve the quality of life of persons living, commuting, and visiting the SJTPO region.

The region uses Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to improve the safety, efficiency, operations, and environmental sustainability of all modes of our transportation system. ITS technologies strive to improve traffic flow, air quality, and fuel efficiency in the moving of people or goods. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) encourages multiple ITS initiatives through the ITS Joint Program Office and Every Day Counts (EDC) program. The South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO) participates in many statewide ITS initiatives and is a member of the Intelligent Transportation Society of New Jersey (ITSNJ). The goal of statewide ITS initiatives are to integrate planning and project development with the process of developing mobility and safety improvements through transportation plans, project programming, project definition, procurement, and construction. It is important to work together to define goals, objectives, performance measures, to deploy strategies, and ultimately connect New Jersey through ITS projects.

On behalf of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and FHWA, SJTPO participates in the New Jersey ITS Architecture Maintenance Project to uphold ITS applications in the state of New Jersey. SJTPO has initiated three major ITS projects in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022, details about these projects are below. In these projects, SJTPO has utilized INRIX Signal Analytics to keep track of corridor and intersection congestion performance metrics at specific locations; SJTPO will continue to monitor these projects to report on the implemented ITS strategies.

Pacific Avenue Traffic Signal Optimization

This project is currently under design and will optimize the traffic signals along Pacific Avenue in Atlantic City and is planned for construction in 2024. This includes Pacific Avenue from Hartford Avenue to Massachusetts Avenue; Tennessee Avenue to Atlantic City – City Hall to Pacific Avenue; and Iowa Avenue Atlantic City Public Safety Building to Pacific Avenue. Using INRIX Signal Analytics we can analyze signal performance before and after the project is implemented.

Pacific and Arkansas intersection diagram
Pacific and Ohio intersection diagram
Pacific and Michigan intersection diagram

*Images from INRIX Signal Analytics illustrating Level of Service (LOS) at select intersections before implementation of the Pacific Avenue Traffic Signal Optimization project

Atlantic County Route 629 Pedestrian and Traffic Signal Improvement

This project synchronized the signals along Ventnor Avenue in Atlantic County and is currently under construction. Project limits are along Atlantic County Route 629 (Ventnor Avenue) from 29th to Annapolis Avenue. Beginning at milepost (MP) 0.27 and ending at MP 5.26. The project was a result from an earlier study funded under the SJTPO CMAQ program.

Ventnor Avenue Signal Synchronization City of Ventnor

This project will synchronize the signals along Ventnor Avenue in City of Ventnor. Project limits for this effort are from along Ventnor Avenue between Oxford Avenue and Baton Rouge Avenue. Currently this project is under design with construction planned for 2023.

Ventnor Avenue Signal Analytics
*INRIX Signal Analytics corridor information along Ventnor Avenue