South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Access for All Transit Plan

Cover of the Access for All Transit Plan
The Access for All Transit Plan serves as the five-year update to the 2015 Human Services Transportation Plan.

The Access for All Transit Plan was approved by the SJTPO Policy Board at the March 22, 2021 public meeting.

The purpose of this federally required plan is to have SJTPO, along with regional stakeholders, identify unmet transportation needs and recommend measures to increase service quality and reduce the cost of providing services to a segment of the region’s population that is unable to or not permitted to operate a vehicle.

Often referred to as the transportation underserved population, these individuals or groups of persons can include older adults, persons with disabilities, and persons or households with lower incomes.

The Access for All Transit Plan is essential, as transportation services are necessary to allow those in need to get to jobs or job training, child daycare facilities, medical appointments, and shopping or recreational centers.

Further, for projects funded under certain funding programs, most notably – Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, the project must be listed in an official Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan, as is the Access for All Transit Plan, to receive funding under that program.

Need a Hard Copy of the Access for All Transit Plan?

All draft and approved plans, studies, and records produced by SJTPO, including the Access for All Transit Plan, are available online, at the SJTPO office, and at select libraries in the region, which make major government agency documents available for viewing by the region’s public at no cost.

If an individual is unable to view plans, studies, and records, including the Access for All Transit Plan, on the SJTPO website, the SJTPO office, or at the select libraries in the SJTPO region, noncolor copies may be requested. Copy fees are $0.05 per letter page or $0.07 per legal page. The requested plans, studies, and records, including the Access for All Transit Plan, may be picked up at the SJTPO office for no additional charge or mailed at the receiver’s expense. SJTPO may waive totals under $1.00. Printing and postage costs must be paid by the receiver before mailing. Checks or money orders must be made out to the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA). Cash is not accepted.

Document and Records Request Form

Need the Access for All Transit Plan Translated?

SJTPO works to accommodate all reasonable requests for translation services, including translating the Access for All Transit Plan into an alternate language. Translation requests can be submitted through the form below, emailed to , or by calling the SJTPO office at (856) 794-1941. Please allow at least seven days for SJTPO to process any requests.

Translation Request Form

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