South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Civil Rights (Title VI)

Cover of the Title VI report

Preventing Discrimination  |  Title VI Implementation Plan

The Title VI Implementation Plan details the assurances and procedures that SJTPO and its subrecipients of federal funds must follow to adhere to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to ensure that no persons are excluded from participation based on their race, color, or national origin.

The Title VI Implementation Plan is reviewed annually and updated on an as-need basis.

This page lays out the processes in place at SJTPO to prevent this kind of discrimination and report regularly on the programs’ success.

Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act states that “no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for southern New Jersey, SJTPO serves as the primary forum where the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), transit providers, local agencies, and the region’s public work together to develop local transportation plans and programs that address the region’s needs. To meet the requirements of Title VI, SJTPO must:

  • Enhance its analytical capabilities to ensure that the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) comply with Title VI;
  • Identify residential, employment, and transportation patterns of low-income and minority populations so that their needs may be identified and addressed, and the benefits and burdens of transportation can be fairly distributed; and
  • Evaluate and, where necessary, improve the public involvement process to eliminate barriers and engage minority, disabled, elderly, and low-income populations in regional decision-making.

Title VI Notice

SJTPO hereby gives public notice that it is the policy of the SJTPO to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice, and related nondiscrimination statutes and regulations in all programs, activities, and operations.

SJTPO assures that no person or group(s) of persons shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, age, ancestry, nationality, gender, disability, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, income level, ability to read, write, or speak English be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination or retaliation under any program or activity through the federally-mandated metropolitan transportation planning process undertaken by SJTPO, whether the activities are federally funded or not.

It is also the policy of SJTPO to ensure that all its plans, programs, procedures, policies, and activities do not have disproportionately adverse effects on minority and low-income populations and provide proportionate benefits to these populations. Minority and low-income communities, as identified through the U.S. Census, will be engaged to facilitate their full and fair participation in the metropolitan transportation planning process. In addition, SJTPO will provide meaningful access to services for persons with limited English proficiency.

Regarding the distribution of federal-aid funds to eligible subrecipients, SJTPO will include Title VI language in all written agreements entered into through its administrative host, the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA), and will monitor those agreements for compliance.

SJTPO’s Title VI Coordinator, in coordination with the SJTPO Executive Director, is responsible for initiating and monitoring the organization’s Title VI Program, preparing related reports, and for other requirements and responsibilities under Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200 and Title 49 CFR Part 21.

Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice by SJTPO under Title VI has a right to file a formal complaint. Any such complaint must be filed in writing using the form provided below or in person with SJTPO’s Title VI Coordinator within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of the alleged discriminatory act or upon notice of the discriminatory act.  For questions or comments, email , contact (856) 794-1941, or visit the SJTPO office.


Available Accommodations, Including Translation Services

SJTPO strives to ensure the region’s public can fully participate in public involvement efforts, projects, and programs. SJTPO makes available accommodations for individuals with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency. SJTPO public meetings are held in ADA-accessible facilities and transit-accessible locations whenever possible. The SJTPO website features an Accessibility Menu compliant with ADA legislation and standards. The Accessibility Menu allows the website and its content to be more user-friendly and understandable for all visitors. The SJTPO website can also be translated into multiple languages using the translation tool located at the top of each page. Furthermore, SJTPO works to accommodate all reasonable requests for translation, interpretation, and auxiliary services. SJTPO encourages that requests be made at least seven days before public meetings to ensure that SJTPO can secure the requested services. Requests can be submitted through the form below, emailed to , or by calling the SJTPO office at (856) 794-1941.


Title VI Complaint Procedure


The SJTPO Title VI Complaint Procedure is written to specify the process employed by SJTPO to investigate complaints, while ensuring due process for Complainants and respondents. The process does not preclude SJTPO from attempting to informally resolve complaints. This procedure applies to all external complaints relating to any program or activity administered by SJTPO and/or its subrecipients, consultants, and contractors, filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (including its DBE and Equal Employment Opportunity components), as well as other related laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, age, or national origin. Additional statutes include, but are not limited to, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and the ADA of 1990. These procedures are part of an administrative process that does not provide for remedies that include punitive damages or compensatory remuneration for the Complainant. Intimidation or retaliation of any kind is prohibited by law.


An individual, or his or her representative, who believes that he or she has been subject to discrimination or retaliation prohibited by Title VI and other nondiscrimination provisions, has a right to file a complaint. Complaints need to be filed within 180 calendar days of the alleged occurrence, when the alleged discrimination became known to the Complainant, or when there has been a continuing course of conduct, the date on which the conduct was discontinued or the latest instance of the conduct.

Complaints shall be in writing and signed by the Complainant or the Complainant’s representative. If complaints are received by telephone or in person, an SJTPO employee or other authorized representative shall formally interview the person to provide the basis for the written complaint. If necessary, an authorized person will assist the Complainant in writing the complaint. The complaint form can be made available in alternative languages or formats, if requested. Please call (856) 794-1941 for more information.

Generally, the written complaint should include the following information:

  • name, address, telephone number, and e-mail of the Complainant;
  • basis of the complaint, (e.g., race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, retaliation);
  • date(s) on which the alleged discrimination occurred; and agency or agencies where the discrimination(s) occurred;
  • name(s) and position(s) of the person(s) who discriminated against the Complainant;
  • a detailed description of the circumstances of the incident that led the Complainant to believe discrimination occurred;
  • names, addresses, and phone numbers of people who may have knowledge of the alleged incident or are perceived as parties in the complained-of

As an investigation moves forward, additional information may be required. Although this process does not preclude SJTPO from attempting to informally resolve complaints, the decision to resolve informally always rests with the Complainant, who may withdraw from the informal process at any time.

If a complaint is filed against SJTPO, the Organization will acknowledge receipt of the complaint by notifying the Complainant and immediately transmitting the complaint to the proper state and federal agency (e.g., Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, New Jersey Department of Transportation) for investigation and disposition pursuant to that agency’s Title VI complaint procedure. Complaints against SJTPO may also be sent directly to a federal agency. If a complaint is filed with an agency that does not have jurisdiction over the particular reason for discrimination, the complaint will be forwarded to an agency that does.

Complaints against SJTPO subrecipients, consultants, and contractors will be investigated directly by the Organization as follows:

  • Within 10 days, the designated SJTPO Title VI Coordinator will acknowledge receipt of the complaint to the Complainant, and notify the appropriate state and/or federal agency that a Title VI complaint has been received by the Organization;
  • Within 60 days, an SJTPO employee will conduct and complete an investigation and, based on the information obtained, will render a recommendation for action in a report of findings to the SJTPO Executive Director. This report will include the nature of the complaint, remedy sought, and a summary of the investigative findings and activities. The complaint should be resolved by informal means, whenever possible. Such informal attempts and their results will be summarized in the report findings;
  • Within 90 days of receipt of the complaint, an SJTPO employee will notify the Complainant in writing of the final decision reached, including the proposed disposition of the matter. The notification will advise the Complainant of his/her appeal rights with state and federal agencies, if he/she is dissatisfied with the final decision rendered by SJTPO.

The SJTPO will maintain a log of all complaints received by the Organization.

Additional Downloads

Complaint Submissions

Complainant may submit complaints against SJTPO, to the SJTPO, or may submit directly to the following federal agencies:

New Jersey Department of Transportation

Title VI Manager
Division of Civil Rights/Affirmative Action
P.O. Box 600
1035 Parkway Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
(609) 530-2336

Federal Highway Administration – New Jersey Division

Civil Rights Specialist
840 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 202
West Trenton, NJ 08628
(609) 637-4200

Federal Highway Administration

Title VI Program Coordinator
Office of Civil Rights
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE 8th Floor, E81-314
Washington, DC 20590
(202) 366-0693

Federal Transit Administration

Title VI Program Coordinator – Office of Civil Rights
East Building, 5th Floor – TCR
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20590
(202) 366-4043

U.S. Department of Justice

Office of Justice Programs
Office for Civil Rights
810 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20531
(202) 307-0690