South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

Cover of Limited English Proficiency Plan
SJTPO is committed to upholding the principles and intentions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and related nondiscrimination mandates in all of its work, including publications, products, communications, public engagement, and decision-making processes.

Language barriers may prohibit people with limited English proficiency (also known as LEP populations) from obtaining services, information, or participating in the public planning processes.

To better identify LEP populations and thoroughly evaluate SJTPO’s efforts to provide meaningful access, SJTPO has produced an LEP Plan.

LEP Languages in the SJTPO Region

The “Safe Harbor” provision guides what SJTPO identifies as LEP languages. The provision provides a threshold of 1,000 persons or 5 percent of the population as a basis for identifying an LEP population. The provision determines which languages need to be considered when translating “vital documents” or other materials, dependent on other relevant factors. Information from the US Census Bureau identifies language groups whose speakers speak English “less than very well.” This means that if 1,000 or 5 percent of a particular population speak a particular language and speak English less than very well, then that constitutes an LEP population and an LEP language. Based on this data, LEP languages in the SJTPO region are as follows:

  • Spanish (Primary LEP Language)
  • Chinese (Secondary LEP Language)
  • Vietnamese (Secondary LEP Language)
  • Gujarati (Secondary LEP Language)
  • Other Indic Languages* (Secondary LEP Language)

* Other Indic Languages includes a number of languages, but generally refers to Bangali, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, and Punjabi.

Where LEP Languages Are Spoken

SJTPO Vital Documents

Guidance offers that providing “vital documents” in Safe Harbor (LEP) languages is key to meeting LEP requirements. SJTPO has identified the following as “vital documents” to the overall functions of SJTPO. These documents will be proactively translated into Spanish, SJTPO’s primary LEP language by default, and will be translated into secondary languages upon request. SJTPO also translates other content and documents on various projects and efforts when it determines that doing so is vital to maintaining equitable opportunities for the community. Further, other documents requested for translation would generally be accommodated as well.

  • Access for All Transit Plan Executive summary: The All Transit Plan Executive Summary is available in English and Spanish on the Access for All Transit Plan webpage.
  • Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Executive Summary: The RTP Executive Summary is available in English and Spanish on the RTP webpage.
  • Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Executive Summary: The TIP Executive Summary is available in English and Spanish on the TIP webpage.
  • Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Executive Summary: The UPWP Executive Summary is available in English and Spanish on the UPWP webpage.
  • Public Involvement Plan (PIP) Executive Summary: The PIP Executive Summary is available in English and Spanish on the PIP webpage.
  • Environmental Justice (EJ) Report: The EJ Report Executive Summary is available in English and Spanish on the EJ Report webpage.
  • The Public Engagement Guide to Transportation Planning in South Jersey: The Guide has been translated into Spanish and is available on the Public Engagement Guide webpage.
  • Title VI Materials: Title VI materials include the Title VI Complaint Procedures, Title VI Notice, and Title VI Complaint Form. These materials directly allow the public to understand and exercise their rights under Title VI with regard to SJTPO and are made available in English and Spanish on the Title VI webpage.

Need a Hard Copy of the LEP Plan?

All draft and approved plans, studies, and records produced by SJTPO, including the LEP Plan, are available online, at the SJTPO office, and at select libraries in the region, which make major government agency documents available for viewing by the region’s public at no cost.

If an individual is unable to view plans, studies, and records, including the LEP Plan, on the SJTPO website, the SJTPO office, or at the select libraries in the SJTPO region, noncolor copies may be requested. Copy fees are $0.05 per letter page or $0.07 per legal page. The requested plans, studies, and records, including the LEP Plan, may be picked up at the SJTPO office for no additional charge or mailed at the receiver’s expense. SJTPO may waive totals under $1.00. Printing and postage costs must be paid by the receiver before mailing. Checks or money orders must be made out to the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA). Cash is not accepted.

Need the LEP Plan Translated?

SJTPO works to accommodate all reasonable requests for translation services, including translating the UPWP into an alternate language. Translation requests can be submitted through the form below, emailed to , or by calling the SJTPO office at (856) 794-1941. Please allow at least seven days for SJTPO to process any requests.

Available Accommodations

SJTPO works to accommodate all reasonable requests for translation services, including translating the UPWP into an alternate language. Translation requests can be submitted through the form below, emailed to , or by calling the SJTPO office at (856) 794-1941. Please allow at least seven days for SJTPO to process any requests.