South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

Technical Advisory Committee

A thirteen-member Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) provides input to the Policy Board, as outlined in the TAC Bylaws (amended May 22, 2023). The TAC provides a forum for discussion on regional issues and performs the essential function of reviewing and disseminating information. The TAC membership is a mix of planners and engineers who often need to coordinate internally and ultimately inform members of the Policy Board so they can make an appropriate final decision.

The TAC consists of each Policy Board member’s staff, representatives from the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (NJTA), and the Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA). The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), South Jersey Economic Development District (SJEDD), Cross County Connection Transportation Management Association (CCCTMA), and the NJ Office of Planning Advocacy each have one non-voting representative on the TAC.

The TAC typically meets on the second Monday of each month. An annual reorganization meeting, at which an election of officers is conducted, is held in January. On occasion, TAC workshops on various transportation-related topics are held. Meeting dates are available below in the Upcoming Meetings tab. All TAC meetings are open to the public.

Equal Opportunity (Title VI)

SJTPO fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. SJTPO public meetings are always held in ADA-accessible facilities and transit-accessible locations when possible. SJTPO works to accommodate all reasonable requests for translation, interpretation, and auxiliary services that are necessary for individuals to participate in SJTPO’s programs and activities. SJTPO encourages that requests be made at least seven days before public meetings. Requests can be submitted through the Translation Request Form, emailed to , or by calling the SJTPO office at (856) 794-1941.

For more information on SJTPO’s Civil Rights Program, visit the Title VI web page.

2024 Meetings

TAC meetings are held in a hybrid (in-person or virtual) format. If attending in person, meetings are held in the SJTPO Conference Room. Connection details to join virtually are located at the top of the first page of each meeting packet.

Past Meetings


Technical Advisory Committee Meetings


Technical Advisory Committee Meetings


Technical Advisory Committee Meetings


Technical Advisory Committee Meetings


Technical Advisory Committee Meetings

Committee Members


Matthew Pisarski, CHAIR

Matthew Pisarski, CHAIR

Planning Director

Cumberland County
Douglas Whitaker, County Engineer
Elena Gable, Assistant Planning Director

Ranae Knowles, VICE CHAIR

Ranae Knowles, VICE CHAIR

Planning Director

Atlantic County
Alternate: Doug DiMeo, County Engineer

Voting Members

Leslie Gimeno

Leslie Gimeno

Planning Director

Cape May County
Alternate: Robert Church, County Engineer

James McKelvie

James McKelvie

County Engineer

Salem County
Alternate: Joseph Augustyn, Planning Director

Uzoma Ahiarakwe

Uzoma Ahiarakwe

Director of Engineering

City of Atlantic City
Alternate: James Rutala

Kathleen Hicks

Kathleen Hicks

Supervising Planner

City of Vineland
Ryan Headley, Principal Engineer
Elizabeth Jambor, Planner Trainee

George Savastano

George Savastano

Senior Project Engineer

City of Sea Isle City
Alternate: N/A

P. Edward McKelvey

P. Edward McKelvey


Alloway Township
Alternate: N/A

Andrew Clark

Andrew Clark

Section Chief, Bureau of Statewide Strategies

New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)
Alternate: Sudhir Joshi, Mgr, Bureau of Statewide Strategies

Michael Swan

Michael Swan

Principal Facilities Planner

New Jersey Transit
Alternate: Megan Massey, Assistant Director, Transit Friendly Planning

Matt Doran

Matt Doran

Engineering Manager

South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA)
Alternate: Daniel Corrigan Jr., Acting Chief Engineer

Brent Van Lith

Brent Van Lith

Senior Project Engineer

Delaware River & Bay Authority (DRBA)
Alternate: Jennifer Farina, Project Engineer

Lu Ding

Lu Ding

Project Engineer

New Jersey Turnpike Authority
Alternate: Rosemary Nivar, Assistant Engineer

Non-Voting Members