South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization
South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization

$21.1 Million in Grants Awarded for the SRTS Program

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) announced the awarding of $21.1 million in grants for the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program. This grant awarding is larger than the amount bestowed to recipients during the last solicitation in 2022.

The SRTS program is a federally funded, statewide initiative to increase pedestrian safety among motorists and school-aged children. NJDOT administers the program in partnership with New Jersey’s three Metropolitan Planning Organizations – SJTPO, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC), and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA).

The SRTS program’s mission is to partner with schools and local communities to enable and encourage school-age children to walk, bike, or travel by other wheeled devices to school. More than just a safety initiative, the SRTS program also aims to make walking, bicycling, and wheeling to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, fostering a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age. Projects and activities are designed to improve safety, reduce traffic, lessen fuel consumption, and decrease air pollution near schools.

Of the 23 grants awarded, three totaling $2.1 million are within the SJTPO region, four totaling $5.0 million are within the DVRPC region, and the NJTPA region receives 16 grants totaling $14.0 million.

The first project in the SJTPO region is in Linwood, Atlantic County, and it is referred to as the “City of Linwood Pedestrian Improvement Project.” This project is focused on Belhaven Middle School and Seaview Elementary School. The project includes repairing existing sidewalks, installing new sidewalks, and installing flashing pedestrian beacons at intersections. The grant award for this project is $376,000.

The “Somers Point School Safety Project” in Somers Point, Atlantic County, is being awarded $771,000. This project is focused on Jordon Road School and the Dawes Avenue School. It includes installing curb extensions, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at intersections, sidewalk and curb improvements, and radar feedback signs.

The third and final project is in Upper Township, Cape May County, called the “Upper Township School District Pedestrian and Bike Safety Project.” It is focused on the Upper Township Primary School and the Upper Township Elementary School. The project includes installing new dedicated bike lanes, new sidewalks, and crosswalks with flashing pedestrian beacon signs. The grant award for this project is $925,000.

SJTPO is pleased that these projects were selected to receive funding. For questions pertaining to the projects in SJTPO’s region, please contact Jenna Monaghan at .