SJTPO requests public input for its Draft Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024-2033 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Transportation Conformity Determination, Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), and Public Involvement Plan (PIP). These documents collectively serve as the backbone of SJTPO’s planning process, focusing on slightly different aspects, as noted below.
The TIP includes state, regional, and local projects and programs, including transit. Over $1.5 billion of FFY 2024-2033 Federal and State funding is identified for transportation improvements within the four counties and participation in the statewide programs. This TIP introduces new projects and updates the schedules, costs, and funding for projects in the previous TIP.
The Transportation Conformity Determination ensures that all regional projects are consistent with the air quality goals and do not cause new or worsen air quality violations or delay the timely attainment of the national ambient air quality standards.
The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is the long-term transportation plan that identifies the high-level vision and outlines the transportation projects for at least the next twenty years. The RTP is being amended to include the latest information on projects programmed in the Draft FFY 2024-2033 TIP. Federal guidelines require the RTP to be consistent with the TIP.
The Public Involvement Plan (PIP) documents the rules SJTPO will follow and identifies methods that SJTPO will utilize to ensure that planning efforts include the region’s public to the greatest degree reasonably possible. The PIP is being updated to better reflect the relationship between the RTP and TIP, outline when revisions are necessary, and the approval for each.
With the approval of the bi-annual TIP being the reason for the edits to the other planning documents, the public is able to view, download the document, and provide comments on any documents directly from the SJTPO TIP webpage at
SJTPO hosted a public meeting on Wednesday, July 19, 2023. The public meeting was recorded and posted to SJTPO’s YouTube Channel for public viewing.
If attendance at the public meeting was not possible, comments on any of the documents mentioned above may be submitted. Please visit any of the above document-specific webpages for more information.