SJTPO will participate in a Federal Certification Review in late March 2023. Federal Certification is a process that occurs once every four years. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) assess SJTPO’s transportation planning process to ensure full compliance with federal laws and regulations. Determining compliance is essential as it is the basis for providing ongoing allocations of federal funds to SJTPO, which pass through to the four counties served by SJTPO. The Certification Review will also identify the challenges, successes, and experiences of the cooperative relationship between the SJTPO, the State Department of Transportation (DOT), and the public transportation operator.
Staff requests public comments on the current transportation planning process. The comment period will be open from Wednesday, March 1, 2023, through Friday, March 31, 2023. A public meeting for Certification Review is scheduled from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Monday, March 27, 2023. This meeting will allow the public to speak with FHWA and FTA representatives regarding SJTPO’s current transportation planning process and voice comments, questions, and concerns. For more information, visit the Public Comment web page.